When thinking about the best battery for hearing aids, the very first thing that you need to take into consideration is the kind of hearing aid that you use. For different types and levels of hearing loss, there are different hearing aids. Something else to bear in mind is how often you use your device and how long you need the battery to last for. A battery that is not fitted correctly or underperforms can have a significant impact on the user’s experiences and quality of life.
The whole purpose of a hearing aid is to improve or assist with hearing. We are audiologists, who have extensive training and have either a Master’s degree or a doctorate, so we are well equipped to diagnose the extent and type of hearing loss that you are experiencing and give you expert advice on the best hearing aid and battery for your hearing aid, depending on your specific needs. These days, no one needs to have to manage hearing loss, even if it is ‘just’ partial. Everyone deserves the chance to hear well. There is a huge range of hearing aids available, some of which can be worn on the ear or inside it.
What are the different types of hearing aid?
It is important that you know what type of hearing aid that you are using if you are to find the best battery, as well as recognizing just how much of a positive benefit the hearing aid has on your quality of life. Some people would rather only use their hearing aid in environments that are loud and noisy; others choose to or need to, wear theirs all of the time. This will have an impact on the type of hearing aid that you will need, and will be discussed at your appointment with a experienced audiologists.
Some of the types of hearing aids available include:
- Behind the ears (BTE)
- Mini behind the ears
- Behind the ears with earmolds
- In the ear (ITE)
- Invisible in canal (IIC)
- Completely in canal (CIC)
- In the canal (ITC)
- Receiver in canal (RIC)
Which is the best battery for hearing aids?
There are four different sizes of battery for hearing aids. These are size 13, size 10, size 312, and size 675. The lifespan of each of these batteries is entirely dependent on the manufacturer and their quality standards. Typically, a size 13 battery has around 240 to 300 hours of use, a size 10 has around 240 to 276 hours, a size 312 hearing aid battery has 156 to 203 hours of battery life, and a size 675 has 240 hours to 372 hours.
Proper care of your hearing aid battery will help you to manage and extend the lifetime of your battery as far as possible, helping you to optimize everyday use. Batteries will last from anywhere to a few days to a few weeks and variables such as the amount hearing aid use each day. For better results, it is recommended that you have the highest quality battery available to extend the battery life and maintain the efficiency and condition of your hearing aid.
Hearing aid batteries are usually zinc air, which means that the zinc triggers the battery as it comes into contact with the air. To stop this from happening, there is normally a pull tab on the battery. After this is removed, the zinc can respond with the air to power the battery. For this purpose, make sure you do not remove the tab until you need to use the battery. The tab cannot be replaced after it has been removed.
Not using the batteries correctly will impair how well your hearing aid functions.
Always be sure to follow the proper directions when installing and replacing hearing aid batteries.
- Always keep your batteries at room temperature. Do not subject your battery to extreme heat or cold.
- Replace the batteries after you notice that the amplification has reduced or the sound has been distorted. Continuing to use depleted batteries will irreparably damage your hearing aid.
- Open the battery draw to minimize the moisture overnight and help improve the health of your battery.
- Ensure that you have clean hands when replacing your batteries, as any dirt on them can damage your hearing aid.
If you are not sure how to fit and remove your hearing aid battery correctly, it is vital that you contact your audiologist to help lead you through the process. Damage to your hearing and battery may occur caused by improper insertion of the battery.
Get in touch with us
If you are concerned about your hearing or would like to address any questions you have about yourself or a family member, our specialist team is here to assist you today. Call us at Evolution HEARing – Charlottesville, VA: (434) 216-3599.