Your Dr. Cliff Approved Provider in Charlottesville, VA
We are proud to be a HEARINGUP APPROVED PROVIDER providing top quality audiological care to our patients. This movement is just getting started across the country and all 3 of our locations are in the network. Now each location provides the same level of care and follows best practices in our industry.
The providers in the HEARINGUP APPROVED PROVIDER Network have committed to following many steps, ensuring the best interests of individuals with hearing loss are being taken into account. Dr. Cliff has been a great advocate of best practices for Audiologists to improve patients’ hearing experiences by recognizing all the tools we need to use to assess what it best for the patients, including RealEar measurements. Being a provider in the Dr. Cliff Approved Provider Network means that we know what it takes to provide the best standard of hearing healthcare. We have made a promise to follow guidelines and standards of best practices for patient care to maximize the quality of hearing healthcare. If you’d like to learn more, visit
Why Choose the Audiologists at Evolution Hearing?
Personally Reviewed
We have completed a thorough 1 on 1 vetting process with Dr. Cliff himself to verify that best practices are being completed.
Top Hearing Technology
We will hand-pick the best hearing technology available from all of the major manufacturers for your unique needs.
5 Star Service
Evolution Hearing is consistently the most highly rated hearing practice in the area for a reason — our #1 focus is your experience! You’re in great hands with our team!
What Are Best Practices? …AND WHY DO THEY MATTER TO YOU?
More than just hearing aids – hearing care is a treatment process. Working with an Audiologist that follows best practices (just like Dr. Cliff does in his clinics) is the key to a life-transforming hearing care experience. Treating hearing loss properly is complex, and requires a provider willing to invest the time and resources in your optimal hearing results.
Only about 20% of hearing providers follow best practices in Audiology…choosing a Dr. Cliff Approved Provider ensures that you will receive hearing care that includes Best Practices — leading to your best hearing in the situations and with the people that matter the most.

Kristin Koch, Au.D.
Clinical Director/OwnerDr. Koch, Audiologist and owner of Evolution Hearing, received her doctoral degree in Audiology from A.T. Still University in 2012. Her Bachelors and Masters degrees were both awarded from Western Michigan University. She is a member of the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA), the Audiology Practice Standards Organization (APSO), and the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV). Dr. Koch also serves as a preceptor for Audiology doctoral students.
Dr. Koch is an adjunct faculty member at James Madison University, teaching their Audiology business course to doctoral candidates. She served as Vice President for Audiology on the board of the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) from 2021-2024 and is now currently on the board of the Communication Disorders Foundation of Virginia (CDF).
After working with Ear Nose & Throat physicians in the Culpeper area for many years, she made the decision to open her own independent private practice in Charlottesville in 2012. She has been very active in the community, including the Chamber of Commerce and local Elder Care Professionals groups.
Dr. Koch and her husband, Drew, grew up in Michigan, spent time living in Columbia, South Carolina, and moved to Charlottesville in 2005. Dr. Koch’s husband is the Associate Director of Bands at the University of Virginia. They are both active in the community and on Grounds at UVA. Their two children, dogs, and a small flock of chickens keep them busy at home.
Dr. Koch enjoys properly fitting people with hearing loss following best practices, including the most thorough testing procedures and different verification tools, including Real Ear measurements. A person’s hearing loss is often noticed by those people around the patient on a day-to-day basis. She greatly appreciates when patients involve their spouses, family members and/or friends in the process. The whole experience is enriched tremendously when approached using a team philosophy. Dr. Koch has received the “Best Bedside Manner Award” in Audiology from OurHealth Magazine for many years, “Charlottesville’s Finest” for both local Audiologist and Hearing Aid Center, along with other awards as an Audiologist and practice owner of Evolution Hearing.

LeighAnna Morris, Au.D., CCC-A
Associate AudiologistDr. Morris earned her Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Virginia in 2015. She then earned her Doctorate of Audiology from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in 2019, where she graduated summa cum laude. She completed her audiology fellowship at the University of Virginia Health System.
Dr. Morris is a member of the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) as well as the Speech and Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV). She has presented her research at national conferences for both ASHA and the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACIA). After spending many years in hospital systems (Medical College of Georgia, Eastern Virginia Medical School), she is thrilled to be back in Charlottesville serving the community which has served her so well over the years.
Dr. Morris first became interested in Audiology due to her love of music. She is a classically trained musician and cannot imagine being unable to hear and appreciate its nuances. She has also had tinnitus (ringing in her ears) for about 15 years and developed hearing loss in the last 2 years. Dr. Morris uses binaural amplification to mitigate the effects of her hearing loss and mask her tinnitus. She is a proud member of the deaf and hard of hearing community and looks forward to helping her patients on their hearing healthcare journeys.
In her spare time, Dr. Morris enjoys spending time with family, friends, and her dog, Charlotte, who is named after Charlottesville. She also enjoys cheering on the ‘Hoos, especially during basketball season, cooking, and exploring new places.