Hearing Loss
Hearing loss: the world’s most common & preventable disability
Family, friends, movies, meetings, concerts are all enjoyable thanks to our ability to hear. Every time you shoot a gun without proper hearing protection you are assaulting your ears with up to 150 decibels (dB) of deafening sound. Repeat exposure over 90 dB will result in permanent hearing loss while a single gun blast of more than 120 dB can do the same. There are more than 50 million shooters currently at risk for developing noise induced hearing loss – the world’s most common and preventable disability. Save yourself from a lifetime of hearing problems with ESP digital hearing devices. The most innovative and effective hearing devices a shooter can own.

Every time you shoot a gun without proper hearing protection you are assaulting your ears with up to 150 decibels (dB) of deafening sound. Repeat exposure over 90 dB will result in permanent hearing loss while a single gun blast of more than 120 dB can do the same. More than 50 million shooters in the U.S. are currently at risk for developing some degree of noise-induced hearing loss…the world’s most common and preventable disability.
Since 1994, Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been providing shooters with state-of-the-art electronic hearing protection for shooting. Each set of ESP’s are custom fit to your ears for all day comfort and proper protection. The custom fit is so precise, you’ll forget you’re wearing them! Whether in a combat situation, hunting or competing in an event, the smart technology used within our earplugs gives you a competitive advantage allowing you to hear natural sounds other shooters cannot. While wearing your ESP’s, you’ll be the first to hear the launch of a trap or the flush of a bird. You can have normal conversation in a duck blind, talk with friends on the Sporting Clays course or easily communicate with your team in a tactical setting. All-the-while, your fragile hearing will remain properly protected from damaging noises such as gunfire.
Save yourself from a lifetime of hearing problems or complete hearing loss with ESP’s newly updated line of shooting hearing protection products. The most innovative and effective digital earplugs available to shooters.
Immersive sound the way nature intended it.
So much of a successful day’s shooting relies on your ability to hear true sound. ESP’s are designed so nothing will get between you and the natural sounds that surround you. ESP delivers these natural sounds across a wide frequency range while the custom fit, sealed design protects you from the damaging sound of gunfire.

Superior sound quality = improved shooting results
Hear the sounds that give you a tactical advantage whether in the field or competing in an event. Be the first to hear the launch of a trap or the flush of a bird. Have normal conversation in a duck blind, talk with friends on the Sporting Clays course or easily communicate with your team in a tactical setting. All-the-while, your fragile hearing will remain properly protected from the damaging sound of gunfire.
Control the volume
Control volume at your fingertips with the easily accessible volume control nob. This simple, intuitive no-nonsense volume control allows you to quickly adjust volume without losing focus on the task at hand. You are the master of your environment by controlling how much sound you want to hear.
It’s hard to imagine any activity where sound doesn’t play a critical role. Why should hunting or competing in a shooting event be any different? You rely on sound clues to tell you what, where when and why. As a responsible shooter, you are required to take all things into consideration before pulling the trigger. Plugs just plug while ESP’s allow you to hear your surroundings.

Comfort & Durability
Secure & Comfortable
Hunting is a demanding activity. That’s why you demand hearing protection that is up to the challenge. ESP’s are engineered and tested for the demands of an active hunter’s lifestyle. Whatever shooting situation you find yourself in, you want earbuds that stay in. In-ear devices are notorious for falling out or putting too much pressure on your ears. ESP’s audiologist and shooter tested and approved custom fit design conforms perfectly to the shape of your ears, where they rest gently but securely providing endless comfort, sound protection and sound delivery for your longest days in the field.

Sweat & Weather Resistant Technology
Whether you’re braving the weather on a high altitude sheep hunt or sweating it out at the range on a hot summer day, ESP’s are built to withstand the elements. The P2i Aridion nano-coating technology that comes standard with every model protects the devices from water damage. The nano-coating works by lowering the surface energy of the device. Instead of the water spreading and sticking, it forms droplets that allows moisture, sweat and humidity to bead up and roll away. The hydrophobic layer is 1,000 times thinner than human hair and ensures superior liquid repellency by protecting the entire device.
Enjoy all the benefits of your favorite custom fit in-ear hearing protection knowing that moisture won’t damage the intricate internal electronics, microphone, speaker, volume control and battery contacts. Now standard on all models.
What’s P2i Nano-Coating Technology?
Wet and blustery days in the field keeping you from wearing your electronic hearing protection? Put those fears to rest as ESP has updated their product line to include the P2i Waterproofing Nano-Coating Technology that protects the hearing devices from water damage.
Enjoy all of the existing benefits of your favorite custom in-ear hearing protection knowing that moisture won’t damage the intricate internal electronics, microphone, speaker, volume control and battery contacts.
The P2i Waterproofing Nano-Coating works by lowering the surface energy of the device. Instead of the water spreading and sticking, it forms droplets that allows moisture, sweat and humidity to bead up and roll away. The hydrophobic layer is 1,000 times thinner than human hair and ensures superior liquid repellency by protecting the entire device.
Not only will your ESP’s protect your hearing against the damaging effects of gunfire, they now guard against the harmful consequences of water infiltration. Now Standard on all models.