Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluation

A diagnostic audiologic evaluation is performed for people who have recently been referred to an audiologist for further review of their hearing, possibly because they have failed a hearing test. The diagnostic audiologic evaluation tests to see if hearing loss has occurred, and if it has, detail the kind of loss and how severe it is. It can also evaluate the possible cause, which can help guide the audiologist in creating a plan of treatment.

What Tests Are Completed?

The diagnostic audiologic evaluation testing usually includes bone conduction testing, speech testing and pure-tone testing. During your evaluation the tests that are run depend on symptoms, medical history, and age of patient. They will test the kind of hearing loss experienced, the specific degree of loss, and the condition of the middle ear and ear canal. The audiologist will figure out if the loss is conductive, which means it stems from the middle or outer ear, or if it is sensorineural, which is an inner ear problem or a problem with the central auditory pathways and auditory nerve.

Bone Conduction & Pure-tone Testing

Pure-tone testing is done to determine the softest tones, set at low and high frequencies, that a person is able to hear. Bone conduction testing and pure-tone testing are similar. The only difference is the kind of headset used, which provides the audiologist useful information on the type of loss, conductive or sensorineural.

Speech Testing

Used as a confirmation of results provided by a pure tone test, the speech reception threshold test figures out at what sound level the person can identify speech clearly.

Additional Tests

There are a few other tests the audiologist may perform during an audiologic evaluation. One of these is an otoscopy, in which the audiologist will examine the ear canal, outer ear and eardrum. Another test is a tympanometry, which determines how healthy the ear canal and middle ear are.

Specialized tests are designed for adults with cognitive and developmental impairments. They test the auditory system, but are designed to be administered without the active participation of the patient, making it easier for the specialist to acquire correct data.

What Should I Expect?

Your evaluation can take anywhere from 40 to 90 minutes of time, depending on severity of hearing loss and supplemental testing needed. If your results show that you require hearing aids, you will need to allow for a time to discuss the different options available.

We strongly recommend that you bring a loved one or close friend to this appointment. Hearing loss is often a family challenge, involving both the patient as well as those around him. Hearing loss is often considered to be a family issue.

The audiologist will ask you to provide medical history at your appointment, and will ask questions about any issues you feel you’re having with your hearing. They will focus on any issues you were having with balance, exposure to noise or tinnitus. Be sure to arrive prepared with a list of all supplements and medications you are currently taking.

Speaking with an audiologist is the first step in handling any hearing concerns. Most importantly, do not be hesitant to ask as many questions as needed when at your appointment.

Where the doctor and device are one

Good hearing devices become great, when you see an Audiologist who is trained well and follows best practices!

Hearing Aids


Are you ready to take your hearing to the next level? Our practice offers devices from the leading hearing technology manufacturers, which helps us find the perfect fit for your specific needs!


Our practice offers extensive hearing care services, ranging from complete hearing testing and evaluations, to hearing aid fittings, adjustments and repairs.

Experienced Doctors of Audiology

Our audiologists are skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to treating hearing loss. From comprehensive testing to hearing aid fitting and adjustments, trust our practice to treat your hearing care needs.


Kristin Koch, Au.D.

Clinical Director


LeighAnna Morris, Au.D., CCC-A

Associate Audiologist
